Our Leadership

Office of the Chair

Headshot - Dr. Michael Patlas

Dr. Michael Patlas, MD, FRCPC, FASER, FCAR, FSAR (he/him) - 

Department Chair - Univerity of Toronto, Department of Medical Imaging

Faculty Profile



Photograph of Dr. Heidi Schmidt

Dr. Heidi Schmidt M.D., FRCP(C) (she/her) - Professor

Radiologist-in-Chief, Program Medical Director, Joint Department of Medical Imaging (University Health Network, Sinai Health, and Women’s College Hospital)

Faculty Profile


Dr. Anish Kirpalani MASc, MD, FRCPC, FSAR - Associate Professor

Radiologist-in-Chief - St. Michael's Hospital

Faculty Profile

Photograph of Dr. Sean Symons

Dr. Sean Symons MPH, MD, DABR, FRCP(C), MBA (he/him) - Associate Professor

Radiologist-in-Chief - Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Faculty Profile

Photograph of Dr. Birgit Ertl-Wagner

Dr. Birgit Ertl-Wagner MD, PhD, MHBA, FRCPC (she/her) - Professor

Radiologist-in-Chief - The Hospital for Sick Children

Faculty Profile