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- Undergraduate Medical Education Program
- Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program
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- Nuclear Medicine Residency Program
- Pediatric Radiology Residency Program
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Eligibility & Application Process
The candidates must be eligible to take the Royal College exam in diagnostic radiology or be certified by the Royal College in diagnostic radiology.
The application process for the Pediatric Radiology Residency Program is run at the same time and uses the same application form as the pediatric radiology fellowship programs. The application process will open on September 1, 2024 and the deadline to submit all documents is October 17, 2024.
How to apply
- Submit the following items through the Application Portal:
- Completed application form (PDF)
- Curriculum vitae
- Letter of intent
- In addition to the above, three recent reference letters, all dated 2024 and addressed to Dr. Oscar Navarro, Pediatric Radiology Program Director, should be submitted separately by each of the referees in PDF format to
The Admissions Committee will review all applications within a few weeks after the deadline and select a few candidates for an interview. All interviews will be held remotely using a videoconference platform, all interviews for each specific program occurring on a single day. The final decision about acceptance will be made within a few weeks after the interview.
For more information regarding the Pediatric Radiology Residency or the application process, please contact or Oscar Navarro, MD, Pediatric Radiology Program Director at