All Full-Time clinical (MD) faculty members at the rank of Assistant Professor who hold an Academic CPSO registration with practice restrictions must undergo annual review until they are promoted to Associate Professor or undergo a successful practice assessment.
The Department of Medical Imaging coordinates your annual review. Approximately 4-6 weeks before your review documentation is due, the Appointments Coordinator will notify you that your annual review date is approaching.
Review process:
You will be asked to submit an activity report, the CPSO reporting tool, and your current CV to by an identified date. You are provided with templates of all required documentation.
The Appointments Coordinator requests an evaluation from your Radiologist-in-Chief.
You will have a 1-hour meeting with the Department Chair, which is scheduled by the Appointments Coordinator.
The Department of Medical Imaging compiles all documentation and submits it to the CPSO on your behalf.
If you have any questions regarding the CPSO annual review process, please email
For more details of the CPSO Annual Review, including information on license expiry dates and registration changes, please visit the CPSO website