Recent Publications

Oct 24, 2021
Journal of neuro-oncology
Nicolin Hainc, Noor Alsafwani, Andrew Gao, Philip J O'Halloran, Paul Kongkham, Gelareh Zadeh, Enrique Gutierrez, David Shultz, Timo Krings, Paula Alcaide-Leon
Oct 23, 2021
Magnetic resonance in medicine
Julien Poublanc, Olivia Sobczyk, Reema Shafi, Ece Su Sayin, Jacob Schulman, James Duffin, Kamil Uludag, John C Wood, Chau Vu, Rohan Dharmakumar, Joseph A Fisher, David J Mikulis
Oct 23, 2021
The Laryngoscope
Nikolaus E Wolter, Luis D Vilchez-Madrigal, Jonah H Gorodensky Jh, Mary-Louise C Greer, Shazia Peer, Kerri Highmore, Nancy Padfield, Stephanie Holowka, Evan J Propst
Oct 21, 2021
Canadian Urological Association journal = Journal de l'Association des urologues du Canada
Ambica Parmar, Abdul Aziz Qazi, Audrius Stundzia, Hao-Wen Sim, Jeremy Lewin, Ur Metser, Martin O'Malley, Aaron R Hansen
Oct 21, 2021
Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance : official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
Nigel S Tan, Djeven P Deva, Kim A Connelly, Paul Angaran, Iqwal Mangat, Laura Jimenez-Juan, Ming-Yen Ng, Kamran Ahmad, Vamshi K Kotha, Joao A C Lima, Andrew M Crean, Paul Dorian, Andrew T Yan
Oct 20, 2021
Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society
Seema Emami, Laila Al-Shafai, Edward Margolin
Oct 19, 2021
Jesse M Klostranec, Diana Vucevic, Kartik D Bhatia, Hans G J Kortman, Timo Krings, Kieran P Murphy, Karel G terBrugge, David J Mikulis
Oct 19, 2021
Canadian Urological Association journal = Journal de l'Association des urologues du Canada
Adam Bobrowski, Ur Metser, Antonio Finelli, Neil Fleshner, Alejandro Berlin, Nathan Perlis, Girish S Kulkarni, Peter Chung, Kopika Kuhathaas, Eshetu G Atenafu, Robert J Hamilton
Oct 19, 2021
Interventional neuroradiology : journal of peritherapeutic neuroradiology, surgical procedures and related neurosciences
Anthony S Larson, Waleed Brinjikji, Timo Krings, Julie B Guerin
Oct 16, 2021
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience
Sarah I Mossad, Julia M Young, Simeon M Wong, Benjamin T Dunkley, Benjamin A E Hunt, Elizabeth W Pang, Margot J Taylor