Oct 2, 2020

When to biopsy Prostate Imaging and Data Reporting System version 2 (PI-RADSv2) assessment category 3 lesions? Use of clinical and imaging variables to predict cancer diagnosis at targeted biopsy

Canadian Urological Association journal = Journal de l'Association des urologues du Canada
Christopher S Lim, Jorge Abreu-Gomez, Michel-Alexandre Leblond, Ivan Carrion, Danny Vesprini, Nicola Schieda, Laurence Klotz
CONCLUSIONS: PI-RADSv2 category 3 lesions are often not CSPCa. PSAD predicted CSPCa in men with a prior negative biopsy; however, PSAD alone had limited value, and accuracy improved when using a model incorporating PSAD with clinical stage and MRI lesion size.