Nov 7, 2024

20th SPR Hands-On Course for Pediatric Cardiovascular MRI and 18th SPR Advanced Symposium on Pediatric Cardiovascular Imaging, hosted at SickKids

Hands-On Course for Pediatric Cardiovascular MRI and 18th SPR Advanced Symposium on Pediatric Cardiovascular Imaging

Last month, the Society for Pediatric Radiology (SPR) held its 20th SPR Hands-On Course for Pediatric Cardiovascular MRI and the 18th SPR Advanced Symposium on Pediatric Cardiovascular Imaging at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids). The Department of Medical Imaging's Dr. Christopher Lam, Assistant Professor, shared a quick overview of the event:

"This year we hosted the 20th SPR Hands-On Course for Pediatric Cardiovascular MRI and 18th SPR Advanced Symposium on Pediatric Cardiovascular Imaging at SickKids in Toronto, ON, Canada from October 15-20, 2024. This meeting started in Toronto in 2003 and it was our pleasure and honour to host once again for the 20th iteration.

Colloquially known as the "SPR Course" in cardiac circles, this meeting has emerged as one of the premier pediatric cardiac imaging meetings in the world and has a legacy of fostering collegial and collaborative relationships across multiple specialties within the pediatric cardiac imaging community. This year boasted particularly broad reach, with faculty and attendees from across 6 continents and 18 countries. The program was met with incredible enthusiasm and included many highlight events including a Beer and Models 3D/VR/XR morphology session, a JeoParty competition, and a Wine and Cheese rooftop debate. One attendee wrote to the SPR that "it was truly the best conference I have ever attended", while another stated that it was "the most impactful cardiac meeting I've been to since before COVID".

The organizers are extremely grateful to all local contributors and would like to extend a big thank you to everyone in DIR, the Labatt Family Heart Centre, and the University of Toronto for supporting the course over the years."

See photos of attendees from around the world here.