CPi Committee

Roles of the Committee

  • Discussion of strategic planning and by-laws of the Departmental CPi strategy
  • Development and planning of seasonal CPi inter-hospital rounds (topics, invitees’ suggestions)
  • CPi mentoring (through the educational CPi program, details on a separate email)
  • Development and approval of CPi projects’ templates
  • Definition of a CPi project and metrics for acceptable completion of trainee requirements for an RCPS-approved radiology training program
  • Planning of annual CPi half-day (presentation of CPi projects conducted by trainees and faculty)
  • Regular update of local hospital CPi activities
  • Keep a diversity commitment in all activities of the program concerning the representation of academic and community hospitals, gender, ethnicity, disabilities, sexual orientation, and academic rankings (resident, fellow, junior and senior staff).


CPi Committee

Name Role Division
Andrea Doria Committee Chair/Vice-Chair - CPi Pediatrics
Michael Patlas Chair, Medical Imaging Emergency
Mini Pakkal Fellowship Program Director Cardiothoracic
Alexander Bilbily Sunnybrook Representative Nuclear Medicine
Helen Branson The Hospital for Sick Children Representative Pediatrics
George Koshy Chiramel The Hospital for Sick Children Representative Pediatrics/VIR
Dimitri Parra The Hospital for Sick Children Representative Pediatrics/VIR
Adam Tunis North York General Hospital/Community Representative General Radiology
Pascal Tyrrell Director, Data Sciences - UT Medical Imaging  
Satheesh Krishna Jeyaraj Toronto General Hospital Abdominal Imaging
Mana Modares Resident Representative  
Sabah Sairafi sabah.sairafi@mail.utoronto.ca