Oct 22, 2020

Absence of pontine perforators in vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia on ultra-high resolution cone-beam computed tomography

Journal of neurointerventional surgery
Tomas Dobrocky, Eike I Piechowiak, Johannes Goldberg, Enrique Barvulsky Aleman, Patrick Nicholson, Jeremy Lynch, David Bervini, Johannes Kaesmacher, Ronit Agid, Timo Krings, Andreas Raabe, Jan Gralla, Vitor M Pereira, Pasquale Mordasini
CONCLUSIONS: The absence of pontine perforators in the fusiform vessel segment of VBDE is counterbalanced by recruitment of collateral flow from pontine perforators arising from the unaffected segment of the basilar artery, as well as collaterals arising from the anterior inferior cerebellar artery/posterior inferior cerebellar artery and superior cerebellar artery. These alternative routes supply the superficial brainstem arteries (brainstem vasocorona) and sustain brainstem viability. Our...